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/ EnigmA Amiga Run 1996 June / EnigmA AMIGA RUN 08 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-06][EARSAN CD VII].iso / earcd / party / fryrsnfc.lha / s / ANsi next >
Text File  |  1996-04-25  |  1KB  |  22 lines

  1.   +----] dA uNKULTIVIERT iNFECT kLAN [---------+-----------------------+
  2.   |_________________________________________   |                28.4.96|
  3.   !\_________  \_  _____  _____/______  __  \  |                       |
  4.   _/    /   /   /  ___/  ___/_  /   /   /   /  !    - INFECT 92-96 -   |
  5.   \    /   /   /   //   /    / /   /   /___/   . blaesst euch einen... |
  6.   ¡\__/___/___/___/ \_______/_____/___/        |Marsch!  mit Produktion|
  7.   +-----------] BBS LIST! [--------------[Z]---+                       |
  8.   |                                            |  4-Years Anniversary  |
  9.   |cALL tHIZ iNFECT bOARDS aROUND tHE gLOBE:   |                       !
  10.   |Vision Thing     WHQ ... +49-(0)xxinvited!  | PhotoCollage by SPIV! :
  11.   |Lunatic Asylum   GHQ ... +49-(0)7xXx-XxXx   |   Festmusik von SMT   |
  12.   |Psychosis       USHQ ... +1-410-6xX-XxXx    | startupSequence coded |
  13.   |Twisted Society  SHQ ... +46-(0)44xX0XxXx   |   auch beim mir...    |
  14.   |The Undiscovered DHQ ... +31-(0)2xX-xXxXx   |                       |
  15.   |                         +31-(0)2Xx-xXxXx   |Intro in '86 by IFT-C64|
  16.   !Digital Line    WGHQ ... +49-(0)5Xx-xXxXxX  |Addy in the startup-seq|
  17.   :_________________________________________E-Mail: Spiv@HGB-Leipzig.de|
  19. April, 28th 1992 Deffpaccers&Paranoid fusioned to new gods ....INFECT!
  20. Utility Dreams,Exotic Ripper,HelterSkelter2,Dataworld were near steps to
  21. heaven ...  Dataworld2, HS-3 and Pixelstorm will ticket us for Valhalla!